Marvel engineeering co prsents machine health checkers that use acoustic emission, which is a completely passive technique involving detection of high-frequency strees waves [normally within the range of 50 khz]. The power of the acoustic emission when applied to condition monotiring lies in the fact that it detects directly the physical processes, such as friction, impacts and metal removal that happen when the machinery is in distress. It is therfore perfect for checking the conditions of rolling elements, and sleeve bearings and gears. The machine health chekers have two other distinct advantages over vibration measuring devices. They measure conditon of bearings on machines with speeds as low as 20 rpm. They also measure the condition of sleeve bearings in addition to rolling element bearings. The instruments are very conductive to use have no machine dependent adjustments. Other features include: powerful capability; works for fast & slow machinery; have highly repeatable measurements; and have db level to track severing.