Tork engineering has introduced clamping device, a unique solution for job clamping. The clamp is useful to hold workpieces up to 60 mm in height. Special adaptors and accessories can be used to clamp jobs of more height. Clamping is faster and more rigid than conventional means. There is no reqirement of packing plates. The clamp is very handy and easy to handle due to absence of loose parts. These type of clamps provide more contact area for clamping, hence the clamping pressure is less, at the same time the actual clamping force is higher. Clamping jaws are always parallel and the stud remains perpendicular to the bed, hence clamping is very rigid. All parts are suitably heat and surface treated. The main stud is made of a high tensile alloy and suitably treated, thus the life and strength is higher. The clamp occupies very less space. The clamping jaw has four faces suitable for round, ground, rough casting and any machined surface. The company also gives special clamping solutions as per the requirements of the customer.