Differential pressure flowmeters by eureka industrial equipments pvt ltd, accurately measure flow of a variety of fluids over wider flow ranges than any other conventional differential pressure flowmeters. The accuracy better than +1 per cent of actu al flow can be afchieved in a majority of the applications. The flowmeters exhibit repeatability of better than +0.1 per cent which creates very steady o/p signal. Shape of the sensors is specifically designed to dampen the amplitude of the oscillation for the measured pressure field. The pressure flowmeters are more rangeable than any other differential pressure devices and the turndown rate of up to 10 to 1 are easily measured. Velocity profile is reshaped in such a way, that there is no need for long upstream straight pipe lengths. Typically installation piping requirements are about 3d upstream and 5d downstream for all types of pipe fitting present upstream. The differentially pressure flowemters find applications in measurement of flow of water, steam, air, h2, coke oven gas, propane exhaust gases, slurry, etc.