Makarand electronics pvt ltd made motorised potentiometer remotely controls the wiper position of a 10 turn potentiometer which are externally joined for remote application. A geared motor drives the potentiometer. The speed of the wiper is electronically controlled and can be predetermined freely in raise nd lower directions. The wiper moves at a preset speed when the push button is actuated. The wiper holds on to the set position when push button is not actuated. The wiper does not overshoot beyond extreme limits because of built in controls. Type lmp 89 is a panel mounting type potentiometer. Specifications [type lmp 89 6-60 md 10 k 110 v dc]: time for full scan - 6-60, ie 6 to 60 seconds [adjustable]; value of reference potentiometer - 10k, ie, 10 k ohms; power input - 110 v dc, ie, supply voltage 110 v dc. There is an mdz version in this type where after any interrution of power, the potentiometer will restart from minimum position.