Instrument innovations & marketing offers a milliamp calibrator manufactured by altek, usa. This model 334 calibrator gives great value by its high performance. It checks all loop signals: ma, % of span, and dcv and source 0.00 to 24.00 ma or -25.0 to 125.0% read ma or per cent to 52.00 ma, simulate 2 wire transmitters, measure -99.99 to 99.99 v dc power and read two wire transmitters. It provides a full range 10amp resolution to adjust 4-digit display to &177;0.05% without range change. This is great equipment to save time on every ma transmitter, recorder, alarm trip, i/p and computer that need calibration. By flipping the quick-check switch one can get instant outputs of 4 to 20 ma accurate to 0.006 ma.