Technovation Analytical Instruments Pvt Ltd offers Biogas Analyzer. Technovation Analytical Instruments Pvt Ltd is an ISO 9001: 2000 certified company. The Biogas Analyzers Model ECIR-1. It is a dual gas analyzer measuring % oxygen, and energy absorbing gases like Carbon-dioxide, Methane, Carbon monoxide and others. Readings are independently displayed on a 31/2 digit 12mm high LCD. The gas probe is a single copper tube combined with a filter. This Biogas Analyzer is for intermittent use. However with a suitable external sample gas treatment system, it can be used continuously.
The Biogas Analyzers feature electrochemical Oxygen sensor, infrared sensor CO, CO2 CH4, ECIR-1 offers high performance, high reliability with low maintenance. This analyzer comes with 220 VAC 50 HZ OR optionally rechargeable batteries and internal pump with high suction. These instruments find use in biogas plants, furnaces, boilers, agro pharmaceutical and other industries for measurement and control of the atmospheres therein or process parameters.
Models of Biogas Analyzers:
GASES: O2, CH4, CO2, CO, H2S.
Model PIR-89: Portable NDIR Type Indicator
ECIR-1: Combo Analyser [2 gas]
IR-2015 SP1: A Portable Infrared Gas Analyser
Model D: Portable Combustible/CO2 Analyzer
Series-2004: A Multigas Certified and Intrinsically Safe Personal Safety Monitor
Series-2005: A Multigas Personal Safety Monitor.
Model A: Portable Combustible with pump
TECHNOVATION RANGE OFGAS ANALYSERS Monitor specific gases in gas mixtures. Gas/range options are available for O2, CO, H2S, SO2, NO, NO2, Cl2, H2, HCN, NH3, O3, EO, CO2, CH4, VOC, combustible gases and some other gases.