Vaiseshika Electron Devices manufactures Precision Kelvin-Cum-Wheatstone Bridge. Vaiseshika Electron Devices Quality Management System is ISO 9001:2000 compliant. This Precision Kelvin-Cum-Wheatstone Bridges, Type: 9405 are important instruments in the measurement of resistance as low as 0.1 micro ohms to highest value of 1 ohm. Manganin has the quality of very low temperature co-efficient which is a critical parameter for resistance standards manufacturing. Kelvin cum Wheatstone Bridge, 9405 is also constructed with manganin coils & sheet. Phosphor Bronze Silver plated switches have been used to minimize the residual resistance error. Four standard decade dials, ratio selector & plug keys facilitate accurate null detection. Users can easily change over from Kelvin section to Wheatsone Bridge section & vice-a-versa with the help of a selector switch.