Vaiseshika Electron Devices offers Digital pH Meter. Vaiseshika Electron Devices Quality Management System is ISO 9001:2000 compliant. Digital pH Meter of Type: 7740 has been designed and fabricated to meet the requirements of chemical laboratories for carrying out pH measurements in the field of water and water waste industry, pollution control, drugs, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals and fertilizers industries. Vaiseshika Digital pH Meter represents the latest generation of design and technology in pH measurement techniques that offer a high order of stability and reproducibility. Digital pH Meter is having a range of 0 to 14 pH and resolution of 0.01 pH, with an accuracy of ±0.1 pH. This pH Meter is portable and battery operated having LCD display of 3½ digits. Digital display, rugged housing and precision two point calibration potentiometers make the pH Meter perfect for field, plant or laboratory use. This Digital pH Meter has been designed and developed in technical collaboration with the Instruments Design and Development Facilities Centre, Ambala Cantt. Digital pH Meter is portable and battery operated and has anti-corrosive powder coated body.