Hi-life machine tools offers hydraulic universal cylindrical grinding machines, for production and tool room applications. These grinders are available in different models with a centre height 150/200 mm and grinding length 300/500/800/1,000/1,250 mm with internal grinding attachment as optional. Main features: work head spindle mt-4 and tail stock with mt-3/mt-4; slideways coated with turcite ®-b; work head and wheel head can swivel by +90o, and table up to +8o; hydraulically operated rapid approach/retraction of wheel head slide; hydraulic and electric units housed outside the machine; automatic in feed table reversals; electronic dwelling arrangement; and centralised lubrication system. Optional features: minimum incremental infeed on dia 0.001 mm; dc drive of work head for infinitely variable speed; automatic plunge grinding cycle; hydraulic operation of tailstock; autospark off/retraction of grinding wheel head for plunge grinding; ac variable frequency drive for infi- nitely variable speed of work head; and digital read out [dro].