Vanjax sales manufactures truck-mounted and trailer-mounted hydraulic access platforms and lifts. These access platforms are suitable for installation and maintenance of street lights, ht/lt transformer junctions, overhead electrical line repairs, compressed air lines, ohe crane maintenance, etc. These hydraulic access platforms are also useful for fire fighting and fire rescue within maximum heights and maximum lateral reach limits. The hydraulic access platforms are mountable on all new or used lcv/htv chassis for multi-furious repairs within industrial establishments as well as outdoors. The hydraulic access platforms are towable by any sturdy multi utility vehicle or small-sized tractor. The company supplies these hydraulic access platforms in custom-made design to order continuous 360 degrees slewing by hydraulic cylinder rack and pinion or hydraulic motor. These hydraulic access platforms are available with salient features like 160, 227 and 250 kgs capacity and 6 m up to 21 m maximum height ranges.