Product Profile of Strychnine Hydrochloride With Sulphated Ash Less Than 0.1%
Kothari Phytochemicals International offers Strychnine Hydrochloride with Sulphated Ash Less than 0.1%. Kothari Phytochemicals International manufactures phytochemicals, bulk drugs, and medicinal plants. The Strychnine Hydrochloride with Sulphated Ash Less than 0.1% is used as antidote for poisoning by over dosage of barbiturates/ as bitter tonic/as nerve stimulant
Key Features of Strychnine Hydrochloride With Sulphated Ash Less Than 0.1%
- Molecular Weight: 406.9
- Description: Colourless prismatic crystals or a white crystaline powder; tastes intensely bitter.
- Acidity: 0.2 gm disslolved in 10 ml of Carbon dioxide free water, requires for neutralisation not more than 0.2 ml of O.N/50 NaOH using Methyl red as indicator.
- Sulphate: 0.25 gm complies with the limit test for Sulphate.
- Brucine: To 0.1 gm add 1 ml of mixture of equal volume of HNO3 and water. No red or reddish colour is produced.
- Loss on drying: 7.0 to 9.0%
- Assay: Not less than 97.5% [calculated on dried basis]
- Batch Size: 500 Kgs.