Trikso India Machineries offers Elastic Finishing Machine of model number TIM 927. There are two types of elastic finishing machine namely, Finishing machine of cylinder type [Roller] and Hot air finishing machine. In the Elastic Finishing Machine the cylinders are filled with glass wool to maintain uniform heat across the cylinder and the heaters are controlled with thermostats to maintain an even temperature throughout the process and to stop over heating which may result in burning of the tapes. The user may also bleach or dye the tapes. There is a D.C. Motor provided to control the speed of the machine and shrinkage controllers to control the tape shrinking. In the hot air type of finishing machine the elastic tape is guided in the chamber heated with electrical heaters again controlled thermostatically. The advantage in this machine is that the elastic tape does not come in direct contact with heated cylinder instead there is just hot air being circulated in the chamber. This minimizes the chances of burning of the tapes.