The Three Core Submersible Flat Cables are available for Voltages up to 1100 V AC. R R Kabel Ltd. Offers Three Core Submersible Flat Cables. R R Kabel Ltd. Is ISO 9001:2008, ISO 1400l: 2004 and OHSAS 18001: 2007 registered organization. These Submersible Flat Cables have high flexibility and water resistant PVC for underwater applications. The conductor of Three Core Submersible Flat Cables are compactly bunched, electrolytic grade, annealed copper with superb flexibility according to harmonized grades HO5V-K and HO7V-K available in various sizes from 0.5 sq. Mm to 300 sq. Mm. The Unilay conductor will be provided on special order from 1 to 4 sq. Mm.