Accurate group of companies manufacture helical compression springs based on the common spring configuration in round wire and cylindrical shape. The company can also supply these compression springs in barrel, conical, hourglass, or other profiles using the square, rectangular, and other non- round cross section wires. These compression springs are useful for wide variety of applications from large stamping presses, automotive engines and major appliances and lawn mowers. These accurate compression springs are available with salient features like offer resistance to the linear compressing forces; useful as one of the most efficient energy storage devices; specifically constructed for applications with solid height restrictions of dynamic resonance; variable compression spring characteristics as per customer requirements can be tailored; and variable spacing between coils or pitch to offer different spring rates throughout the operating spring ranges. The company supplies this compression springs in-house if provided with specifications such as minimum and maximum length; controlling diameter; maximum outside diameter; minimum inside diameter; pitch diameter; inside work hole diameter; shaft diameter over works; coil number; wire size and decimal size; material and grade type; load capacity at deflected positions; right or left hand wound end styles; finish specification; solid length; and compression frequency.