Libratherm offers the hot runner temperature controller for the plastic industries. The system comprises thyristorised heater power controller having phase angle firing technique and a pid temperature controller with programmable soft start and power limit. The advantage of using scr power controller is to supply just the right amount of ac power to the heaters without exceeding its rated capacity and ultimately enhancing the life of heaters. The microprocessor based pid controller automatically calculates the required output voltage [0 to 230 v ac] to maintain the desired set temperature. The condition required to be fulfilled in heater controller used in the plastic industry is to evaporate the moisture content in the heater, if not done so the fast heating elements of the heaters are likely to get damaged. This requirement is achieved by incorporating the programmable soft start ramp time to give slow rising ac power to the heater. Also safe power limit is programmable in terms of percentage to restrict the maximum power limit. Auto/manual selection facility is also provided to feed the desired power to the heater. The entire system is housed in a sturdy and handy metal enclosure having standard sockets wired up for heaters and thermocouples. The pre-requisite condition for the: single phase 230 v ac supply and is available for 3 kw to 10 kw load.