Sancel International offers Chocolates. Sancel International is an ISO 9000 certified company. Chocolates include nuts and almonds and crunchy Caramels, soaked oodles of chocolates that leave a rich taste to the mouth. These Chocolates are also available in Soft Butter Toffees filled with chocolate 400 gm gift pack. It also includes Hazelnut Chocolates, Ferrero Rocher Milk Chocolates and Cadbury`s Butterscotch Chocolates. Hazelnut Chocolates are roasted and coated with a thick covering of luscious chocolate. It is a crunchy and creamy combination that appeals to everyone, from the youngest of kids to the most discerning chocolate connoisseur. Milk Chocolates are available with Whole Hazelnot Centre in 300 gm pack. Whereas Cadbury`s Butterscotch are the crunchy nut butterscotch centre, which are available in 300gm packs.