Pidilite Industries Limited offers of Non Ionic Dispersing Agents. The industrial products segment and four manufacturing units of Pidilite Industries Limited are ISO-9001 certified and plant at Mahad acquires ISO 9002 certification. These Non Ionic Dispersing Agents are available under the category of Dye House. It is manufactured in two forms: PIDISPER A and PIDISPER DP.
PIDISPER A of Non Ionic Dispersing Agents helps in excellent distribution of Chrome; emulsifies natural fats and helps in finer fat liquor emulsion. The emulsification of natural fats helps in uniform dyeing and vegetable tanning dispersion. Due to amphoteric nature, this agent can be used at any stage of tanning/retaining. PIDISPER DP of Non Ionic Dispersing Agents is an amphoteric emulsifying or dispersing agent that emulsifies natural fats for better wet back of wet blues.