Pidilite Industries Limited offers Brushes for Hobbyist & Commercial Artist. The industrial products segment and four manufacturing units of Pidilite Industries Limited are ISO-9001 certified by RWTUV and plant at Mahad acquires ISO 9002 certification. The Brushes for Hobbyist & Commercial Artist falls under Art Materials & Stationery category. These have excellent spring back and wonderful point, available in long and short handles, round and flat shapes. Brushes for Hobbyist & Commercial Artist`s handle made from season wood to withstand all season. They are available in a wide range for various usage patterns, and are packed in seamless ferrule. These brushes are manufactured in S 314 White Bleached Bristle, S 412 and S 413 Taklon Synthetic Hair in set of 4 and 7 brush set. Brushes for Hobbyist & Commercial Artist are used by school students, hobbyist and teachers.