Vantico performance polymers has introduced synthetic materials for the manufacture of models, prototypes, small series production parts and tools. It has a full range of boards and pastes for making models and tools. The range of pastes includes:
I] manually applied pastes - no special equipment required; standard and non sticky formulations available - araldite sv 427 2/hv427 1 for model making, standard paste applied manually by spatula; and araldite xd 4528 1 a/b - for styling and model making applications, non sticky, low density paste pressed into place with gloved hands;
Ii] seamless modelling pastes - fast, low cost application by equipment - formulations available for models, prepreg tools, checking jigs, and stretch forming tools; free of voids and joint lines; and greatly reduce model build time and cuts costs compared to conventional materials. This range includes: araldite sv/hv 4503 [and xd 4563/hv4503] - epoxy formulations for full car, boat or aircraft models and medium density formulation that cuts easily to give a smooth finish;
Iii] araldite sv/hv 4569 - epoxy formulation for prepreg moulds, stretch form tools and control jigs, heat resistance to 80°c and high mechanical strength and produces a surface of high integrity; and
Iv] ureol xd 4555 1 a/b - pur formulation for medium/small size models and tools, equiped for application by compact equipment and produces a tough, closed surface finish. All paste materials are applied to a core manufactured from low cost material like expanded polystyrene or a low density tooling board, eg, cibatool bm 5110. The core is cut net size of tile final surface co ordinates. The paste layer is applied gross of the surface co-ordinates and when cured milled back to final dimensions.