White Zinc Sulphate Powder is a colourless solid that is a common source of soluble zinc ions. The Powder can be used as a coagulant in the production of rayon and is also a precursor to the pigment lithopone. The Powder is used to supply zinc in animal feeds, fertilizers, and agricultural sprays and can be used to control moss growth on roofs. The Powder is used as in electrolytes for zinc plating, as a mordant in dyeing, as a preservative for skins and leather and in medicine as an astringent and emetic. The Powder is a white fine mesh powder and assay of minimum 97%, iron of maximum 0.03% and has Cu content of 0.03% maximum. The White Zinc Sulphate Powder has pH from 4.5 to 5.5% and has insoluble content of maximum 0.10%.