Ultraviolet Free LED Bulb is used for cabinet, hospital cabin, hotels, residential and commercial buildings, industrial area and shopping malls and has good lighting quality. The Bulb is useful for energy saving purpose and has more than 30,000 hours of life span. The Bulb has low light declining rate, good colour rendering index and good hear dissipation properties. The Bulb has ultraviolet and infrared radiation free lighting mechanism that makes it eco friendly. The Bulb has good heat dissipation and good light quality, high brightness output and good colour rendering index. The Bulb is available in larger free milky diffuser and finds application in indoor table lamps, other light sources, shopping malls, cabinets, hotels, hospitals, residential/ commercial/ industrial places. The Ultraviolet Free LED Bulb requires from 3 to 9W, Dimension from 45 to 104 mm.
Application of Ultraviolet Free LED Bulb: