Hygienically Packed Giloy Ras has actual taste and freshnes. The Giloy Ras has zero side effects and used for the treatment of gout. The Giloy Ras is multipurpose medicine and used in several diseases and works in number of fevers. The Giloy Ras strengthens the immune system and build resistance to various diseases. The Giloy Ras is effective in increasing the platelet count of a person and is effective in hear problems, blood disorders, jaundice and tuberculosis. The Giloy Ras is a constituent of several compound preparations sand is used in fever, urinary disorders, dyspepsia, general debility and urinary diseases and is also used in treatment of rheumatism and jaundice. The Hygienically Packed Giloy Ras clears out brain toxin that hinders mental activity and has ability to remove both exogemnous and endogenous toxins.