Solar Powered Water Heater has the feature that the storage tank is actually two tanks, with an insulating material between them and the inner tank is made of stainless steel and the outer tank is made of aluminium, between them is a high efficiency insulation blanket of rock wool. The Heater needs only 3 hours of bright sunlight to reach a reasonable temperature and if the weather is partly cloudy it will work but may take longer. The Heater can provide enough hot water for around 300 days of the year, including winter and for those chilly monsoon days when there is no sun at all; it has a built-in electrical heater that is manual or automatic. The Solar Powered Water Heater comes in a range of size of 100 litre capacities, enough for a family of 4 members and other sizes are 200 LPD, 300 LPD and 500 LPD.