Computer Numerical Control Machine ensures zero percentage rejection and no particular operator requires for operating machine. The Machine has spindle speed of 1500 rpm, consumes less power, table feed ranging from 0 to 0.6 metre/ minute. The Machine has shaft diameter from 9 to 125 mm, maximum length of key way ranging from 5 to 300 mm, keyway size from 3 to 25 mm. The Machine has liquid crystal display for easy operation setting for operator and is microcontroller based system. The Machine has machine works timing indication system and job counting indication system. The Machine has hard casting material structure. The Machine gives 0.1% accuracy. The Machine has no need of learn and load software for operating systems and has automatic job counting system that saves valuable time. The Machine has loud siren and is will automatically stop if not used. The Computer Numerical Control Machine has no need of cutting oil and electric pump for cutting tool and has the feature of change machine speed without stoppage.