Mild Steel Made Dismantling Joint plays a decisive role in the design and layout of pipelines and valves and is an essential aid during the installation and removal of pipe sections and valves. The Joint has the feature that the valve can be fitted next to the dismantling joint, and the dismantling joint can be to set to the exact length required prior to being securely connected to flanges. The Joint has threaded tie-rods which are used for the subsequent restraining and flange connection, depending on the type of dismantling joint used and at the same time, they also serve to transfer the forces occurring on one side of the dismantling joint to the other side. The Joint ensures fast installation and removal, thus contributing to increased efficiency and reducing site operations and down time. The Mild Steel Made Dismantling Joint has flange adaptor located on one side of the dismantling joint and is connected securely to the pipe or valve via the flange and flange bore holes corresponding to the respective pressure rating or standard are available.