
Parallel Active Power Filter

Parallel Active Power Filter

Product Category :    Active Filters

Supplier                :    Worldwide Electricals (I) Pvt. Ltd

Key Features of Parallel Active Power Filter

  • Real time detecting the wave form of the non-line loads in the grid
  • Active harmonic filtering, power factor improvement with the characters of quick response, widely filtering, high efficiency filtering.
  • Ensures real time detect the load current, quick distinguish the harmonic current component and fundamental wave, input equal and opposite compensate current into the grid to realize instant filtering and power factor improvement

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Product Profile of Parallel Active Power Filter

Parallel Active Power Filter ensures real time detecting the wave form of the non-line loads in the grid and has the feature of active harmonic filtering, power factor improvement with the characters of quick response, widely filtering, high efficiency filtering. The Filter ensures real time detect the load current, quick distinguish the harmonic current component and fundamental wave, input equal and opposite compensate current into the grid to realize instant filtering and power factor improvement. The Filter has double closed loop control and filtering control to ensure accurate sensing of harmonic and efficient filtering and has boasted dynamic quick response, wide-scale harmonic filtering. The Filter has protection system and intelligent control methods within the equipment that can automatically limit current in response to the temperature to assure stable long-term operation of the device. The Filter has LCD screen applied on the operation interface that makes it easy for handling and has display interface that can show the voltage, current, harmonic and some other parameters. The Filter has power factor improvement mode and the combination of harmonic filtering and power factor improvement mode. The Parallel Active Power Filter ensures that polarity and change rate of current transformer can be controlled through software and target power factor and output current can be controlled.

Key Features of Parallel Active Power Filter
  • Real time detecting the wave form of the non-line loads in the grid
  • Active harmonic filtering, power factor improvement with the characters of quick response, widely filtering, high efficiency filtering.
  • Ensures real time detect the load current, quick distinguish the harmonic current component and fundamental wave, input equal and opposite compensate current into the grid to realize instant filtering and power factor improvement
  • Double closed loop control and filtering control to ensure accurate sensing of harmonic and efficient filtering and has boasted dynamic quick response, wide-scale harmonic filtering
  • Protection system and intelligent control methods within the equipment that can automatically limit current in response to the temperature to assure stable long-term operation of the device
  • LCD screen applied on the operation interface that makes it easy for handling and has display interface that can show the voltage, current, harmonic and some other parameters.
  • Power factor improvement mode and the combination of harmonic filtering and power factor improvement mode
  • Polarity and change rate of current transformer can be controlled through software and target power factor and output current can be controlled
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