Product Profile of Automatic Rotary Vial Washing Machine
Automatic Rotary Vial Washing Machine provides 3 water washes and 3 air washes. The Rotary Vial Washing Machine is provided with grippers to ensure efficient holding of different sizes of vials. The Rotary Vial Washing Machine is suitable for washing of vials in 2ml to 100ml range and of 14mm to 52mm diameter ranges. Automatic Rotary Vial Washing Machine has all contact parts made out from stainless steel 316.
Key Features of Automatic Rotary Vial Washing Machine
- Machine provides 3 water washes and 3 air washes
- Complete flexibility with user for washing cycle
- Suitable for washing of Vials (2ml to 100ml) (diameter 14mm to 52mm)
- All contact parts made out from stainless steel 316
- Entire covers and non contact parts made out from stainless steel 304
- Low water consumption
- Quick change over of parts for other size of containers
- Grippers ensure efficient holding of different sizes of vials