Organ Phosphorous Based Contact Insecticide is used in the agricultural production of a wide variety of food/ feed crops. The Insecticide control insects such as aphids, leafhoppers, beetles, spider mites, scale insects, housefly and mosquitoes as well as large number of other sucking and chewing insects attacking fruits, vegetables, ornamentals and stored items, mosquito control in public health programme. The Insecticide is formulated as a technical, a dust, and emulsifiable concentrate a ready-to-use, a pressurized liquid, and a wet able powder. The Organ Phosphorous Based Contact Insecticide can be applied using ground or aerial equipment, thermal and non-thermal fogger, ground boom, air blast sprayer, chemigation, and a variety of hand-held equipment such as backpack sprayers, low pressure hand wands, hose-end sprayers and power dusters.