Horizontal Yarn Dyeing Machine is designed for dyeing the yarn with low liquor ratio and is available for capacities of 15 kg/ batch to 540 kg/ batch. The Machine has the feature of savings of water, chemical, heat and electrical energy and low ceiling height of 3 meters required. The Machine does not require overhead hoist and working platform and has the feature of locking/ unlocking of all tube lids by electro pneumatic devices. The Machine has coil type heat exchanger for efficient and fast heat transfer and has a design that ensures complete drain of liquor. The Machine has working temperature of up to 140 ° C and working pressure up to 4 kg/ cm2 and has cooling rate ranging from 130 ° C to 80 ° C for approx 20 minutes. The Horizontal Yarn Dyeing Machine has programmable semi automatic panel board and has heating rate ranging from 20 ° c to 130 ° c approx 30 minutes.
Application of Horizontal Yarn Dyeing Machine: