
Dual Ring Tire Assembly Inflator

Dual Ring Tire Assembly Inflator

Product Category :    Automotive Parts & Equipments

Supplier                :    BEP (India) Automotive Systems

Key Features of Dual Ring Tire Assembly Inflator

  • Automatic bell adjustment for each programmed tire/ rim combination - roads, compact spares, intermixed station head can be positioned to an on or off line location in less than 3 minutes with optional rotate off line feature
  • Software designed for a limitless variety of tire/ rim combinations
  • Efficient performance

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Product Profile of Dual Ring Tire Assembly Inflator

Dual Ring Tire Assembly Inflator has automatic bell adjustment for each programmed tire/ rim combination - roads, compact spares, intermixed station head can be positioned to an on or off line location in less than 3 minutes with optional rotate off line feature. The Inflator is software designed for a limitless variety of tire/ rim combinations. The Inflator is capable of providing efficient performance. The Dual Ring Tire Assembly Inflator can be availed in various specifications.

Key Features of Dual Ring Tire Assembly Inflator
  • Automatic bell adjustment for each programmed tire/ rim combination - roads, compact spares, intermixed station head can be positioned to an on or off line location in less than 3 minutes with optional rotate off line feature
  • Software designed for a limitless variety of tire/ rim combinations
  • Efficient performance
  • Various specifications.
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