Carbon Die-Oxide Type Fire Extinguisher is suitable for areas where contamination and/ or clean-up are a concern, such as data processing centres, labs, telecommunication rooms, food storage and processing areas etc. The Extinguisher can be availed in screwed down/ squeeze grip type and finds application in rail, yards/ warehouses, construction sites, airports, electrical substation, meter room, dg room and power sector. The Extinguisher is user friendly and ensures no electrical conductivity back to the operator. The Extinguisher has the feature of no thermal or static shock and good visibility during discharge. The Extinguisher has capacity from 2 to 5 kg, average discharge time from 9 to 10 seconds, height of 545 to 705 mm, and diameter from 108 to 140 mm. The Carbon Die-Oxide Type Fire Extinguisher has empty weight from 6.2 to 12.4 kg, filled weight from 8.2 to 16.7 kg, operating temperature from -30 ° C to 55 ° C, test pressure of 250 bars.