Product Profile of Industrial Grade Mica Powder
Industrial Grade Mica Powder is highly inert to the action of light, heat electricity, water and other chemicals. The Mica Powder transmits and reflects light and prevents penetration of sun rays, moisture, and heat, gases etc. On the surface on which it`s coated.
The Mica Powder has very high lubrication value thus used as high temperature grease, mould release etc., dusting surface and anti friction powder of compounds. The Industrial Grade Mica Powder produces lifting effects in liquid products due to low specific gravity and as such, remains uniformly dispersed over the surface of liquid vehicles.
Key Features of Industrial Grade Mica Powder
- Highly inert to the action of light, heat electricity, water and other chemicals.
- Transmits and reflects light and prevents penetration of sun rays, moisture, heat, gases etc. On the surface on which its coated.
- Has very high lubrication value thus used as high temperature grease, mould release etc., dusting surface and anti friction powder of compounds.
- Produces lifting effects in liquid products due to low specific gravity and as such, remain uniformly dispersed over the surface of liquid vehicles.
- Has very little abrasive effect and can easily get wetted by resin and dyes.
- Has good anti-sticking property and as such, during vulcanization, it prevents sticking and movement of sulphur, at the same time, it permits the air bubbles to escape