Silicon Interfaces Pvt. Ltd. Offers Design Entry System for IEEE 1076 VHDL. Silicon Interfaces Pvt. Ltd. Supplies solutions and services in the technology segment and as a technology-facilitator for retail, banking, financial, telecom, travel and trade segment for internet, applications and the enterprise using Microsoft, J2EE and IBM technologies on Microsoft Operating Systems and UNIX on Intel compatible and other processor platforms. Design Entry System for IEEE 1076 VHDL is a next generation multifaceted EDA tool, revolutionizes design, analysis and documentation of digital circuits. Design Entry System for IEEE 1076 VHDL comprises a host of features which puts it to the foreground when compared to the other PC-based schematic entry tools. This system allows the designer to perfect his ideas without resorting to low level detail thereby ensuring that the concept survives. The designer gets the facility of having a top-down design approach as Simatics-1076 enables him to write behavioral models in VHDL and utilize the same in his schematics.