Nova International supplies 2:3 Dichloro 1:4 Naphthoquinone. Nova International is the manufacturer of chloranil, dichlone, dyes, special chemical, fungicides, Chemicals Catalyst and pigments intermediates, manufacturer of chloranil, chemicals catalyst, dichlone, dyes and pigments intermediates and exporter chemical, fungicides, chemical manufacturer in India. 2:3 Dichloro 1:4 Naphthoquinone appears in light golden yellow crystalline powder. 2:3 Dichloro 1:4 Naphthoquinone used as fungicide & pesticide like Dithianone, Catalytical in intermediates like 3,3-DCB, O.T. Base, Fast Blue B. Base etc.
The technical specifications of 2:3 Dichloro 1:4 Naphthoquinone are as follows: