Product Profile of Micro Worm Reduction Gearbox
Micro Worm Reduction Gearbox is manufactured in different sizes with different ratios in adoptable types as well as fix foot mounted type to meet the requirements of various industries. The Reduction Gearbox is suitable for severe operating conditions by means of right selection due to its robust construction, flexibility, compactness, durability and reliability. The Reduction Gearbox is compact, totally enclosed and metric in design which permits convenient and fixed location of the motor and mounted with bottom base foundation. The Micro Worm Reduction Gearbox is able to tackle many troubles like leakage, heating, worm damage, shaft bending, and low efficiency.
Applications of Micro Worm Reduction Gearbox:
- Road construction machinery
- Mining and minerals industry
- Leather and plastic industry
Key Features of Micro Worm Reduction Gearbox
- Manufactured in different sizes with different ratios in adoptable types as well as fix foot mounted type to meet the requirements of various industries.
- Robust construction, flexibility, compactness, durability and reliability this is suitable for severe operating conditions by means of right selection.
- Compact, totally enclosed and metric in design which permits convenient and fixed location of the motor and mounted with bottom base foundation.
- Able to tackle many troubles like leakage, heating, worm damage, shaft bending, and low efficiency.