Product Profile of Dietary Supplement For Protein Synthesis
Dietary Supplement for Protein Synthesis supports muscle volume, muscle fibre size, cell volume & plasma amino acid levels. The Dietary Supplement promotes protein synthesis and muscle force recovery. The Dietary Supplement amplifies S6K1 and 4E-BP1 signalling and hypertrophic mTOR pathway conduction. Dietary Supplement for Protein Synthesis delivers vital nutrients, essential minerals and growth cofactors to skeletal muscle tissue.
Key Features of Dietary Supplement For Protein Synthesis
- Promotes protein synthesis and muscle force recovery
- Supports muscle volume, muscle fibre size, cell volume and plasma amino acid levels
- Amplifies S6K1 and 4E-BP1 Signalling and Hypertrophic mTOR Pathway Conduction
- Encourages myogenesis and muscle recovery while user are still training
- Delivers vital nutrients, essential minerals and growth cofactors to skeletal muscle tissue
- Harnesses power of Pterostilbene