Product Profile of Combined Bar Bending/shearing Machine
Jayem Manufacturing Company supplies Combined Bar Bending/Shearing Machine. Jayem Manufacturing Company is an ISO-9001:2000 accredited company. The Combined Bar Bending/Shearing Machine is used for working on the building site itself.
Key Features of Combined Bar Bending/shearing Machine
- Four machines just in one [it cuts, bends, makes stirrups and spirals].
- Gears on bearings, bendings with continuous lubrication.
- Tips, bushings, bending squares and their allocations are made of hard alloy steel.
- Simultaneous working of the bending disc and the shear arm, by pedal.
- Shear safety device.
- Lubrication of the main friction points of the shear.
- By removing the pins of the bending disc the shears run in a continuous way.
- Emergency stop buttons.
- Automatic emergency return in case of misuse.
- Easy handing and high yield.