Product Profile of Microprocessor Led Scrolling Display
Microprocessor LED Scrolling Display is based on moving message display. The Scrolling Display is made up of light emitting diode [LEDs] arranged in an array. The LED Scrolling Display enables the moving message or data to be fed and set with the help of keypad on chorded remote provided with this unit. Microprocessor LED Scrolling Display when operated transmits one message from the controlling computer to the serial computer interface on all the message centers within the facility.
Technical Specification of Microprocessor LED Scrolling Display:
- 16 different effects with 14 pages
- Out of 16 effects, 2 effects have storing capacity of 4000 alphabets and remaining effects are up to the screen only
- It comes in any proportionate size ranging from 2” X 2” to 20” X 20’
- 16 Effects of display like right slide, Right slide flash still, Flash one screen, Down/Up Scroll, Up/Down Scroll, Side curtain, Up/Down curtain, Middle open and close curtain
- One character curtain [Both lengthwise and Width wise], Dropping Effect, one character slide-cum-roll
Key Features of Microprocessor Led Scrolling Display
- It can be of any color i.e. red, green, yellow, orange and multi color
- This moving message display has 16 different effects and every effect has 14 pages
- There are 3 fonts of letters. It can also be used for artwork in graphic mode
- The units may be wall or ceiling mounted using the supplied hardware. Designed for commercial and industrial indoor communication
- Message centers can display production goals and performance, safety goals and performance, changes in employee benefits, company announcements and achievements as well as boost morale through employee recognition
- They may be used as a single stand-alone message center or can be networked into a company wide communication system
- When networked, one message can be transmitted from the controlling computer software to the serial computer interface on all the message centers within the facility or discrete messages can be sent to specific addresses within the communication network of messages centers.