Product Profile of Ayurveda Capsule For Piles
Ayurveda Capsule for Piles relieves constipation, checks gas formation and regulates bowel habits. The Ayurveda Capsule, available under the brand name “Sunarin” regularises liver functions and overcomes portal congestion. The Ayurveda Capsule contains Vekhand, Belkachari, Suran, Chitrak and Hirda as the key ingredients. The Ayurveda Capsule for Piles helps to overcomes venous stasis and tones up venous walls.
Key Features of Ayurveda Capsule For Piles
- Relieves constipation, checks "gas" formation, regulates bowel habits.
- Regularises liver functions & overcomes portal congestion.
- Relaxes distention & painful discomfort at the junction of rectum & anus.
- Checks bleeding & prevents blood losses.
- Overcomes venous stasis and tones up venous walls.
- Combat & cure hemorrhoids, anal fissures, rectal inflammation & piles.
- Vekhand, Belkachari, Suran, Chitrak & Hirda: Relieves constipation & regulates bowels.
- Kuda, Indrajav, Vekhand, Sunth & Mire: Improves liver function, relieves portal congestion and also have anti-flatulent action.
- Suran, Chitrak, Mocharas & Shankhjeera: Improves tone of anal region.
- Belkachari, Kajjali, Kuda, Suran & Indrajav: Possess healing properties, they also overcome stasis.
- Nagkeshar, Kuda, Indrajav, Mocharas,Suran & Kajjali: Possesses hemostatic and styptic actions.