Product Profile of Clog Resistant Kimneer Dripper
Clog Resistant Kimneer Dripper is available in different colours and flow rates of 2, 4, 8 and 16 lph. The Kimneer Dripper has the provision to connect spagetti or extension tube for inter-crops and fully-grown horticulture crops. The Kimneer Dripper is designed with quick-seal technique which allows it to open and close very quickly and easily. Clog Resistant Kimneer Dripper requires 1.0 kg/ sq cm operating pressure for operation.
Key Features of Clog Resistant Kimneer Dripper
- Clog resistant unique labyrinth design.
- Innovative design of dripper with quick-seal technique allows it to open and close very quickly and easily.
- An alternative to the present ODLPC Dripper.
- Openable dripper with compact but sturdy design.
- Improved and quick start, one turn threading.
- Ease of Assembly and Disassembly.
- Nominal operating pressure = 1.0 kg/cm².
- Variable discharge, Colour coded labyrinth discs for 2, 4, 8 and 16 lph.
- Disassembly and re-assembly in field should not lead to discharge variation.