Product Profile of Spherical Shaped Fire Extinguishing Ball
Spherical Shaped Fire Extinguishing Ball activates within 3-5 seconds as thrown into a fire and effectively disperses fire -extinguishing chemicals. The Fire Extinguishing Ball uses Mono Ammonium Phosphate chemical and can cover an area of up to 4 square meters upon activation. The Fire Extinguishing Ball is offered in a spherical shaped design in 1.3 Kg weight range. Spherical Shaped Fire Extinguishing Ball is suitable for class A, B and C class of fires.
Key Features of Spherical Shaped Fire Extinguishing Ball
- Shape of the Device: Spherical Shape.
- Effectively disperses fire -extinguishing chemicals.
- Main Chemical used: Mono Ammonium Phosphate.
- Fire Extinguishing Ball is a self-activated device when it comes into contact with fire and Give a loud noise as a fire alarm.
- Weight of the Ball: 1.3 Kg.
- Covering an Area: up to 4 square meter upon activation.
- Out side film: PVC / PVE [Foam- Pen foam -recyclable - contain no CFC and HCFCS, environment friendly].
- Fire and Breaker: In rubber tube of Fire Extinguisher Ball.
- Activation Time: 3-5 Seconds of exposure from flames.