Bactericide in Powder Form is used for black arm, angular leaf spot, bacterial spot, bacterial blight, black rot, stem and fruit canker, brown rot, fire blight bacterial disease etc. The Bactericide is formulated using 2 bromo 2 nitro-propane-1, 3 diol. Multiplex Fertilizers Pvt. Ltd, an ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14000:1996 accredited company, is the manufacturer of Bactericide in Powder Form.
Multiplex Fertilizers Pvt. Ltd is the supplier of micro nutrients, bio-organic manure, bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides, and bio-activators. Bactericide in Powder Form is most suitable for cotton, citrus, apple, pears, pomegranate, mango, banana, betel vine, tomato, brinjal, cabbage, potato, chilli, paddy, tobacco and ornamental plants.