Product Profile of Pit Digging Machine For Sugar Cane Planting
Pit Digging Machine For Sugar Cane Planting is easy to operate and require less maintenance. The Machine has double pit that helps the soil to get sunlight, air and organic matter thus improving soil structure and composition. Shakti Industries is manufacturing Pit Digging Machine For Sugar Cane Planting.
Shakti Industries is supplying a wide range of post hole digger, rotary tiller, shrub slasher, mini power tiller, pole erection crane [tractor operated], rotavator, deep hole digger, etc. Pit Digging Machine For Sugar Cane Planting is also used for banana and jatropha planting and facilitates water use efficiency.
Key Features of Pit Digging Machine For Sugar Cane Planting
- Air, light and moisture are available in sufficient quantity for better growth of cane.
- It involves around 25% of the total area. Operational activities are easy as compared to exiting methods.
- Insects-pests that is eggs, larvae and pupae of borers, white grub and other pests get exposed and killed by birds.
- Cane is saved from lodging and consequent yield looses.
- Helps in accommodating higher seed rates in new placements by modifying planting technique, which involves alerting crop geometry and soil manipulation, successfully inducing stiff crop competition at initial stages to eliminate yield and recovery levels.
- Nutrients/ agro chemical are applied in the pits and their use is optimized as compares to other techniques.
- It facilitates/ ensures netter water use efficiency i.e. less water, time and number of irrigation required.