Product Profile of Yarn Carriers
Servo Plastics and Ancillaries are the designer and manufacturer of Yarn Carriers for the textile industry. The Servo Plastics and Ancillaries is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company.
In the Yarn Carriers, the yarn winder area distance in the tube is known as Lift of the Ring Tube. A small step groove is provided in the bottom hole of the Ring tube, which accommodates the yarn on the spindle and avoids tube jamming. The angle of pull depends upon the ring diameter and tube diameter. The higher the angle then there is the lesser end breakages.
The salient features of Yarn Carriers are as follows:
- Eccentricity - Variation in circularity on the diameter of the ring tube is known as eccentricity. Lower the eccentricity in Ring Tube will result in higher quality and performance of the Ring tube. PC ring tube has an eccentricity of up to 0.1mm. During normal usage it tends to increase due to the work stress and strain.
- Wall thickness in Ring tube near spindle button has maximum load and friction due to higher Spindle speed. Hence higher wall thickness with low eccentricity is optimum for high speed Ring frames.
- The normal tube taper are 1:38. 1:40 and 1:64.
- The clearance between Ring Tube & Spindle is called as Tube clearance. Lower the clearance less eccentricity in high working spindle speed. Tube clearance should be maintained in such a manner that it should withstand the contraction caused by winded yarn on the tube, for easy removal.