Sense-well Controls manufactures Savealite Automatic System. Sense-Well Controls introduces a fresh range of power saving system viz. ‘Savealite’. This simple and low-cost solution is a genuine attempt to use energy wisely. This Automatic System is primarily targeted for implementation on staircases of buildings, corridors, around buildings & bungalows, wash rooms, basement, car parking, ATM outlets etc. Wherein turning on several lights consumes immense power, resulting in high payments on electricity consumption. Savealite Automatic System is available in two models, SL 00/230 and SLE 12/230.
Savealite Auto System of model SL 00/230 has two light holders, are dim light and bright light. In this system when the ambient light is low, dim light will automatically switch on. The logic controller of Savealite switches on the bright light on detection of motion. This bright light of the auto system remains ON till there are people in its field of view. There is an automatic change over to dim light when there is no person in its field of view.
Savealite Auto System of model SLE 12/230 has specially been designed for places with frequent power failure. It has a provision of emergency light in the same fitting. This auto system operates on 12VDC battery. In case of power failure, emergency lights [LED] will switch on automatically. Once the power supply is restored the emergency lights will automatically switch off and the standard system will function normally.
Savealite manual system is also available.