Samsons rubber industries manufacture quality power transmission belts under the brand name helicord. The helicord automotive belt provides as a result of extensive research and testing done to improve belt life, performance and more importantly. Oe users include telco ltd, tata cummins ltd, hindustan motors ltd, simpson & co ltd, tafe, among others. Some important features of these belts make it the must reliable and preferred solution to the extreme under bonnet conditions of modern automobiles. Following are some technical features of these automotive belts which include: useof exceptionally high fatigue resistant polyester cord encased in a tough resilient synthetic rubber compound with oil and heat resistant properties; and surrounded by layers of wear resistant textile fabric impregnated with oil and unsurpassed belt life is ensured by heat resistant polychloroprene;improved compounds used in the base section of helicord automotive belt ensure high performance by reducing hysteresis and therefore it minimizes transmission losses whichalso means higher efficiency of engine and driven accessories and longer battery life. This unique feature is made possible by improved bonding and compounding techniques used in the construction. This ensures that the belt stays on the drive even after its expected service life, preventing sudden failure.