USB CMOS Colour Autofocus Camera is designed for applications where the distance between the object and camera changes. The USB CMOS Colour Camera is featured with one push autofocus, which is driven by the supplied software, the object always stays exactly in focus, despite a constantly changing working distance. The CMOS Colour Autofocus Camera is fitted with a USB 2.0 interface and a sensitive sensor, which deliver optimum image quality, even in poor lighting conditions. USB CMOS Colour Autofocus Camera operates using Windows software and the imaging source authors and supports device drivers for LabView, HALCON, DirectX, Twain and WDM, the SDK IC imaging control and software tools for Microsoft Windows and can also run using Linux software and the imaging source authors and supports open source drivers and end-user software for Linux.
Menzel Vision & Robotics Pvt Ltd is the manufacturer of USB CMOS Colour Autofocus Camera. Menzel Vision & Robotics Pvt Ltd is the supplier of industrial cameras as well as monochrome cameras, monochrome auto focus cameras, machine vision camera.