Melamine Sulphonate, also known as ACPL SM-LIQUID 011, is a free flowing liquid in pale yellow colour. It is a super plasticizer used in concrete, mortars and cementitious compositions. Amorphos Chemicals Private Limited, an ISO 9001:2008 certified company is manufacturing Melamine Sulphonate.
Amorphos Chemicals Private Limited offers diversified range of chemicals which include Sodium naphthalene formaldehyde dispersing agent, Acrylic Polymer, Industrial Chemicals and Specialty Chemicals. Melamine Sulphonate acts as a protector of wall against water, corrosion and cracks. It is a environment friendly chemical. Water proofing chemical is added to cement, this mixture is used in fillings wall cracks. These chemicals resist water hence they also prevent fungus formation on walls.
Specifications of Melamine Sulphonate: