Chemical Admixtures for Concrete is off white in colour with pH [10% solid] in the range of 4.0 to 5.0. Its density is 0.4 to 0.5. It specific gravity is 2.6 and Blaine value is in the range of 22000 to 25000. Chemical Admixtures for Concrete are harmless and are aqueous in nature. They are added to concrete via a dispenser. Amorphos Chemicals Private Limited, an ISO 9001:2008 certified company is manufacturing Chemical Admixtures for Concrete.
Amorphos Chemicals Private Limited offers diversified range of chemicals which include Sodium naphthalene formaldehyde dispersing agent, Acrylic Polymer, Industrial Chemicals and Specialty Chemicals. Chemical Admixtures for Concrete, also known as Himacem-Concrete Pozzolona, has moisture content ranging from 0.5% - 10% and the loss of ignition lies in between 0.5%-1/5 %.
Physical Properties of Chemical Admixtures for Concrete:
Chemical Properties [Mass %] of Chemical Admixtures for Concrete: