Fine Grade Fly Ash meets all requirements of IS 3812 - 1981 to replace the cement for better quality of concrete as per mix design. It is available in large quantities in the country as a waste product from a number of thermal power station and industrial plant. Gubbi Enterprises offers Fine Grade Fly Ash.
Gubbi Enterprises is the manufacturer and exporter of wide range of construction equipment that includes cement grouting pump, construction machinery, PVC perforated nipples, micro concrete cover blocks, safety gadgets etc. Fine Grade Fly Ash is a finely divided residue resulting from the combustion of ground or powdered bituminous coal or sub-bituminous coal and transported by the flue gases of boilers fired by pulverized coal or lignite. The effective use of fly ash is as pozzolana and admixture in cement, mortar, concrete [cellular light weight concrete]. The fly ash available in 40 Kg Bag, 1 tone jumbo bag and in bulker.